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Summer Fest Goes Nuts

Summer Fest—Glenview’s bustling, captivating summer celebration, scheduled for Saturday, June 27—always brims with eye-catching characters. But this year a totally new force will join the fair—Mr. Peanut, who will be chauffeured in the Peanut Mobile.

                    Mr. Peanut, a figure of national renown, will visit the Glenview Summer Fest. A major celebrity since 1916, Mr. Peanut is planning to  meet, greet and be available for selfies too.  He joins a crowd of much-loved entertainers and icons, including Jason the Stiltwalker, Skittles the Clown, a slew of Glenview firefighters with their fire pole, members of the American Legion,  performers from all around town, and The Bear.

                    Curious about The Bear?  Sculpted in 1917, he stands at the south entrance to the fair, near Jackman Park. “He’s part of a  grand sweepstakes involving stores across the Village. At the Fest, kids will be invited to follow the bear for a treat,“ explained Betsy Baer, executive director of the Glenview Chamber of Commerce, which has been organizing the Fest since 1973 . (She added that her last name is purely coincidental.)

                    Along with meeting Mr. Peanut and following The Bear, fairgoers will find special offers, handcrafted wares, family activities, free coffee at 9:30, free ice cream at noon,  and a little rock ‘n roll to make it all feel fine.

                   Sponsors of the day-long, sun-soaked event include:  Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Advocate Children's Hospital, Glenview Bank and Trust, Glenview State Bank, Kraft Foods, Northshore University Health Systems.

                  Details: Saturday, June 27, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Lehigh Avenue between Glenview Road and Washington street, alongside Jackman Park.

           Comprised of more than 450 businesses in Glenview and the region, the Glenview Chamber of Commerce works to make Glenview a  great place to live, work, and own a business. Visit the website at www.glenviewchamber.com.