Glenview Chamber Celebrates Business and Business Person of the Year
Glenview Chamber Celebrates Business and Business Person of the Year
Glenview Chamber of Commerce celebrates the Business of the Year, Blended Health & Smoothie and the Business Person of the Year, Laurie Jensen. We'd like to honor these individuals who have gone above and beyond, although there are certainly countless other
businesses in Glenview that have stepped up and made a difference.
Blended Health & Smoothie has gone above and beyond to support various organizations within Glenview. Many of their givebacks include: local school PTAs, Glenview Park District 4th of July event, Glenview First Responders, and Glenbrook South High School just to name a few. Also, they partner with local fitness centers to cross promote services, offering in store popups and other collaborations to spread the word about local small businesses. Blended works with the GBS Women in Business program to coach, mentor and council students on how to engage in the workforce, resume writing and interview preparation. Blended is currently working with GBS High School to develop a hospitality program for students to transition into after high school.
Additionally, Laurie Jensen, of Illinois Bone & Joint Institute, has been awarded 2023 Business Person of the Year. Active on the Glenview Chamber Executive Board as well as part of the Wellness Group Leadership team with organizing local health fairs and networking events with wellness leaders in the community.
Laurie played a crucial role in organizing a fundraiser for Misericordia and establishing a committee to grow internal support of the company's philosophy branch, CARES. IBJI Cares raised $50,000 this year for its annual partner with Laurie volunteering at every
event. Laurie’s active involvement with the North Suburban YMCA benefitted by monthly series of free webinars on various popular health topics throughout the year Laurie has devoted a significant amount of time and effort throughout the year to support health and wellness fairs, as well as provide unique events for local assisted living facilities. She has organized seminars on various topics and provided free events that educate the community about personal health and empower them to take control of their well-being.
The Chamber recognized the winners at our Business After Hours & Awards event on January 11. This event was held at Valley Lo Club and sponsored by Busey Bank. In the meantime, please help us celebrate these great people and organizations who epitomize our mantra Shop Local, Love Local.
A 100 year old nonprofit, the Glenview Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to ensuring that Glenview is a great place to live, work, and own a business. The Chamber presents community events, runs business-building programs, offers leadership and other training, and generates several community publications. More information is available on our website at